For my 6th birthday I wanted to learn how to knit.
My mom and her mom where very skilled when it came to craft, but my fathers new wife, Annelise, was the one who gave me the yarn and needles and showed me how to knit. Sometimes you have more patient with other relations than close family. You both make an extra effort to understand each other.
That is almost 40 years and a lot of stitch since.
What a gift!
I keep returning to the yarn and needles again and again.
I use knitting for:
*Meditiation – Creating – Teaching – Focusing*
and repeat from * to *
That was how I ended talking about knitting with the teacher, Nina and the tech mom, Mary, at the tech conference in Beijing!
I simply can’t help myself, when I talk of motor skills, education, stimulating learning, knitting always gets into the conversation.
This time I got to talk about the importance in stimulation children in many different ways, to help them developing their motor skills and as well as abstract thinking, and the experience of creating something three dimensional in your hands.
I was a strange experience picthing for investors and talk business talk, while my heart and mind had started a storm of pictures and ideas.
You know, the kind of storm where you almost don’t sense it – it’s just a flow of fragments pass through.
2 months later I was done with knitting and sure it wouldn’t come back to me.
To be continued….