Vintage knitting supplies are getting rarer. How do I keep finding them?!
I mean before someone throws it away. You know – people do that!!
I have decided to say yes in life, so this time I did something I have never done before!
Drive 40 minutes to visit a man I meet at a flea market. Why?
Because we had a nice talk.
He was selling – well, a only few things, but I got a book about crochet and a cookbook from 1927.
And honey.
So I asked about his honey – just like me, a friend of his has bees in his garden.
And I asked if he had any textile.
No, but he had some at home. His mothers old weaving and knitting supplies.
One thing let to another – actually I drove, unannounced. He wasn’t home, so I went back another day!
What do you think? Did I find a treasure? Or did I drive home laughing of my silliness, for driving so far without any clue on what to find?!
To be continued…….
Vintage knitting treasure part 1
Drive to there and find a treasure! I would do that 🙂
I did – and it was so joyful 🙂