These wonderful days between Christmas and new years eve.
Filled with people, “hygge”, darkness and candles.
These are days where I bring my knitting every where. Days when the sound og my knitting needles tends to strengthen the “hygge”.
Christmas eve my son got a sweater that was almost done. It just needed the neckline. That is a thing in my family. Fx did I get one glove from my sister, the other is still on her needles.
As soon as he unpacked it, I continued knitting. Well, I made a mistake and decided to lay it a side and wait till the next day to finish it in peace and quite.
Instead I took out my other knitting, a little project for me; A Stephen West shawl in cashmere. For know it’s just plain knitting, so I needn’t think while knitting.
It’s going to be wonderful even though it’s taking some time.