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Have you ever experienced that your knitting mojo disappeared?!

I wrote about it before, but now I’m going to teach a workshop on how to find your knitting mojo!

What is Knitting mojo?

Knitting Mojo:

  • The feeling that keeps you knitting
  • Keeps the knitting ideas coming
  • Makes your eyes eat the colors in the yarn shop
  • Makes your fingers wanders over the yarn fibers
  • Makes you spend hours on Ravelry, Pinterest, Instagram finding patterns to knit 
  • And a lot more!

But sometimes someting awful happens: you look at your knitting without ever wanting to knit a single stitch!

It’s like someone has cast a spell on you: what on earth where you doing before? With all that boring yarn and needles.  And why on earth you buy all that yarn?!


That is painful!

Going from having a hobby that you love, that keeps your hands busy, makes you create wonderful things, to this? Not ever wanting to knit again.

That’s bad!

What to do when the knitting mojo has gone?

I have tried it enough times to know how to handle it! 

  1. Relaxe – take to some time not to worry about it
  2. Surround with things that inspirere you
  3. Be prepared!

“Be prepared”?! Thats so much easier said than done! When you’ve got you mojo working, you don’t ever expect it to disappear, so why prepare for it? Well because it can be a “life saver” for you mojo if it happens and if it don’t you’ll find that it can be a very special place to go to for inspiration.


It’s at the knitting festival, Knitwork Stockholm 2017, I’ll be teaching a workshop called “Find your knitting mojo”. At the workshop you will learn how to make a “suitcase” full of stuff that inspires you and make you glad! In the next weeks I’ll share much more about keeping your mojo working, both here and on Instagram and Facebook

Read more about and sign up for the workshop – the workshop will be held in Danish.