Winter solstice is my birthday.
For many years I thought it was the most depressing day of the year to have birthday. It’s the darkest day of the hole year – we only have 7 hours of daylight in Denmark.
In the later years I have learned to appreciate the magic of the solstice – it’s the day the light returns.
I’m trying in my own small ways to contribute to break the taboo around mental health issues by trying to remember to speak up.
I have had my own issues with depression and for years the last weeks of december has been painfull in various degrees. This year has been no different, except that I have accepted it.
It has been like I had porridge in my brain and my muscles. I have been cursing and swearing, but I have put my trust in the knowledge that it always change on my birthday.
This year something else has changed, I have started a journey towards a more for filling worklife.
A worklife where I find space to create, design and share.
I have started making goals and are consciously working towards them.
My main goal this year was to make at least one great knitting patten and release it online. And so I did!
I also had a very small goal for my income on the knitting business and I’m almost there!
I have plans for the next year and I’ll spend time in the holidays to making it more concrete.
As a great thanks to all of you following me, I’ll introduce a birthday promotion on Ravely (USE THE CODE: Happy Birthday) and on the shop – so Dec. 21. I’ll celebrate the return of the light by giving 50% discount on all of my products*.
and by the way….. I would love a greeting from you ❤︎
*It sounds a little more spectacular than saying “on my one pattern”. LOL
Hi Thea,
Wishing you a happy birthday…a day filled with all the things that make you happy. Let’s try and meet up for coffee in the new year – I have had some personal issues to deal with over the last few weeks so have been very quiet with my knitting and your shawl …now I am full f the cold and feeling very sorry for myself. This message is turning into a woeful one and I wanted it to help lift your spirits ?…
So go eat birthday cake and pick up those needles and I look forward to your next creation. Hugs x
I ha lots of cake, candles and loved ones!
And it’s the same every year, so this year it lifts me to talk about it and knowing that I not the only one helps as well – helps me trust that it just a human thing and “this too shall pass’ <3
I so ready for coffee in 2017!
Stort tillykke med fødselsdagen på denne vigtige dag! Mon det er en trøst at her oppe i Norge har vi endnu midre lys? 🙂
Syns iøvrig det er hyggeligt at følge dig da jeg boede I nærheden dengang jeg boede i Kbh (en af haveforeningerne ved røde mellemvej).
De bedste ønsker for 2017!!
Uha og min svigerinde på Grønland endnu mindre – respekt for at I klare det!
Forhåbentlig har I sne til at lyse det hele lidt op?
Hvor sjovt – jeg køre så tid tit igennem de haveforeninger, de ser så hyggelige ud.
Også gode ønsker om et godt år til dig.
Tillykke med din fødselsdag . Jeg er ikke rigtigt sådan en fødselsdags fejrende en Men vintersolhverv er et dejligt tidspunkt at fejre så jeg vil næste år fejre din fødselsdag 😉 og stort tillykke med strikkeopskriften,
Sidst vi sås tænkte jeg faktisk på om du ‘gik’ den vej med opskrifter/ designs prof 😉 du strikke jo altid lige som jegselv, efter inspiration men altid bliver tingene lavet om til ens egen bedre snit eller farver. Den korte tid vi har kendt hinanden, har jeg set hvor god du er til det, og også god til at ‘sælge’ når det er andres. Så jeg glæder mig til at se at du for brugt din marketings viden til at ‘tjæne’ og dele alt det du har i dig selv af kreative ting på ‘tegne-bordet’ . 4 opskrifter om et år, og tid til at lave ingenting også.
Tak Hanne
Så hyggeligt at du læser med og tak for de gode ord.
Håber vi ses i strikkelandet i 2017.
Kh Thea