I’m in Sweden this summer. In our old and wonderful house.
I have 3 weeks vacations – and just few freelance assignments to do, but that’s okay.
It’s been years since I last had vacation like this, I don’t have to do anything. I can just relax and follow my breath. I love it.
And then… I open my Instagram, and starts to question myself:
“If I want to grow Scandinavian Knit, then where are all the lovely knitting pictures? I need some more! I need to share yarn and needles, coffee and flowers next to my knitting. You know – don’t confuse your followers! They want to see knitting and right know I share nature!”
A part of the reason I’m so relaxed this summer is that I don’t force myself.
I don’t need to create.
I don’t need to inspire.
I don’t need to do anything, except relax and nourish myself.
It’s a rare experience, but I love it.
What has this do about Scandinavian Knit? Well, I have decided that I want to be me, be authentic.
I have a story to tell and I have a lot to show about Scandinavia and craft. But it’s not going to be told, if I don’t take the time to just nourish me.
I hope you’re enjoying you summer.
Love, Thea