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Do what you don’t dare.


Well, for the last year I have been working on others projects leaving me too little time to listen to my own ideas, create my own design and tell all the stories that comes to me.

But since september I have been working from home, as a free lance online marketing consultant and on my own project, Scandinavian Knit.

What a great joy!

It feels like I have been away from home for a year!


So back to todays topic: 


I’m doing something that scares me; I’m asking for test knitters.

I know it’s silly to be scared to ask the wonderful knitting community for this, but it’s a commitment for me.

No more finding excuses for waiting to publish and share my design.

So here it goes:


scandinavian knit - looking for test knitters

I’m looking for test knitters for my new pattern

– a shawl with a swedish story behind.

It you are interested send me a mail (contact @ scandinavianknit.com)

or a message on Facebook or Instagram.